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How to create a match?

When you create a match, you can create a lineup and team members can RSVP. You can also create match content.

Freek avatar
Written by Freek
Updated over 9 months ago

Available for team members with Scheduling rights

Schedule a match in the app

  1. Go to schedule tab

  2. Click on the blue floating (+) button. Here you have the option to create a match or training

  3. Click on "Create match" (if you are part of multiple teams, select the team you are creating the match for.

  4. Select home or away match

  5. Add the opponent

    1. if you can not find the opponent please send us a message via our support chat

  6. Choose the match day, starting time, arrival time and arrival location (e.g., our club)

  7. Click on “Create match” and your match is created

  8. Team members will receive a notification that a new match is scheduled

Where can I find the match?

The match is shown on the schedule tab in chronological order. You can also find it on the Activity tab if it is an upcoming match in the next 7 days

Schedule a match on web (Homebase)

Homebase is currently in beta. If you have any feedback please let us know.

  1. Go to the Schedule section

  2. Click 'Create match'

  3. Select home or away match

  4. Add the opponent

    1. if you can not find the opponent please send us a message via our support chat

  5. Choose the match day, starting time, arrival time and arrival location (e.g., our club)

  6. Click on “Create match” and your match is created

  7. Team members will receive a notification that a new match is scheduled

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